Wasatch Mountain range

This Mountain range rocks.

Wilderness Areas
American Fork Canyon-Alpine Loop is home to two wilderness areas, Mt. Timpanogos, Lone Peak, Little and Big Cotton Wood canyons, Loafer and Nebo. We highly recommend visiting one of these two areas for a wilderness experience. You will find a primitive area without roads or other human-made features.
Located in the heart of the Lone Peak Wilderness Area, the Lone Peak summit is rather unique in the Wasatch. It features jagged, gray granite composition, unlike any mountain in Utah, really. The sheer 650+ foot face is a classic rock climb (not described here), a favorite of climbers willing to make the rugged (and in the summer, hot) approach. Spectacular and easily accessed, the Wilderness Area even has a few lakes, the most well known of which is Lake Hardy.

Three Day Pack Trips: $375 3 person minimum (Outfitters drop camp package, all meals provided)

Five Day Plus Pack Trip: $1125 3 person minimum (Outfitters drop camp package, all meals provided)

(for information on drop camp packages and gear list look under services offered under drop camps)

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